Montag, 20. August 2012

~♥Beach, Photoshooting And Other Stuff♥~


How are you? Sorry that i didn't posting for so long time...shame on me >.<
It has happened very much.

I was with my dear sofie on the beach. She came with Timo. He is also a good friend to me :)
We had lots of fun and played beachball^^ Later we wanted to go swimming but the water was so cold so I'm not gone in. So I made ​​a few pictures of them :)
and here are the photos that we have made:

that's it ♥

And here are photos from the next day: new header;)

Juju's Music:


1 Kommentar:

  1. Die Bilder sind supertoll! *-*


    Achja, ich hab nen Blogaward für dich :D
    Hier, die 'Regeln':

    LG, Rinny~

    [Also entweder hab ich ein Déjà-vu, oder ich schick echt zum 2. Mal nen Kommi ab... falls dies der Fall sein sollte, ignoriere den überflüssigen Kommi einfach ^__^']
